Programming Study Team
- Orgarnized Programming Study Team called SD(Solitude Developers) to learn web programming and study algorithm challenge.
- Planning to develop from basic web applications to functionality website.
- Solving algorithm challenge qeustions using C and Python language.
- Bulit a portfolio website to collect and store my work
- Learn a web programming language(HTML5, CSS, JS, Jquery, etc...)
- Make 20 simple examples of web applications
Made Form Validation with basic information such as username, email, password.
Made a movie seat selector testtest and save and load the status of seats using local storage
Made my own custom video player to play my private video :)
Made the exchaneg Rate Calculator. To get the information of exchange rate, I utilized API
- Solve algorithm questions using C and Python language.
Solving algorithm challenge questions using C programming language.
Solving algorithm challenge questions using Python programming language.